near The Vale of Belvoir in rural Leicestershire
The Cosmos
A neighbour's visiting brother, Roger, with a passion for astronomy, has a new, powerful, electronic all-singing-all-dancing telescope! The views into the cosmos are far-reaching & extraordinary! Roger is happy to share these pictures with anyone interested in this science, & also his email comments below.
"Here is the photo I took from Eaton on Monday night.
This is using a revolutionary electronic telescope (Unistellar eVscope 2) that is very small but very powerful, and portable.
Thought that it might be of interest to Eaton folk to see what can be done. It is capable of producing images similar to those in books.The telescope has its own Wifi system and sends the image to the controller's phone. Around ten-twelve mobiles can then link in to see the images being created and take their own photo. I'm likely to routinely bring the scope down on my visits.
I could be wrong but I seem to remember that there is an astronomy student in the village. Think that they are at Edinburgh University. As a member of the Astronomical Society of Edinburgh I'm involved in doing a public event at the Royal Observatory Edinburgh next month."
Please contact Roger direct if you are interested. His email is :