near The Vale of Belvoir in rural Leicestershire

Wills and Probate
These records provide a valuable insight into property ownership and date from 1530 onwards, especially useful as the burial records prior to 1724 have been lost. They have been compiled from the original documents by a member of the Hickling Village History Group and are reproduced here with their permission. They are given in alphabetical order and then by year. Spelling of surnames sometimes varies, even within a document, so for consistency only one spelling has been used. The wider index for many of the villages in the Vale of Belvoir are also a useful source of information when tracing families and can be accessed here
Beyond property ownership many of the wills and probate records can provide insight into family composition as beneficiaries are named and relationships identified. They can also provide insight into the individuals themselves; professions are sometimes mentioned and occasionally there can be an absolute gem.
For example in Thomas Wrights will of 1798 his first named beneficiary is his son in-law.
‘First of all I give and bequeath unto Nathanael Bates the Sum of One Shilling at the Time of my Decease or when called for And I further desire that the aforesaid Nathanael Bates shall not come upon my premises or Hereditaments upon any Account whatsoever’
Given that he leaves his house to his grandson Thomas, Nathaniel’s son, this is clearly very pointed.
The following document lists the Eaton Wills & Probate in alphabetical order - ​